SaaS - Plotty ongoing project, app architecture uses Vue 3, Apollo Graphql, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, OpenAI API and Vite.
Argentine living in Cape Town since May 2023, passionate about design, programming, logic and new challenges. I strive towards continuous and self-taught learning of new technologies to better achieve my goals. I started creating apps since I was a teenager, going from Java game plugins to financial tools. Nowadays I find myself focusing on APIs and large scale websites/apps involving TypeScript, Vue3/Nuxt, AI integrations, TailwindCSS, Graphql and serverless architectures as my main stack.
Ordered from top to bottom, skills I'll be more likely to work with. The horizontal extension of each bar represents actual knowledge/experience I have on it.
Personal ongoing project, app architecture uses Vue 3, Apollo Graphql, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, OpenAI API and Vite.
Full time front-end lead developer, app architect using Apollo Graphql, Mapbox and TypeScript, Vue 3 composition API (pnpm monorepo architecture), TailwindCSS, and Vite. During this period, I've mentored other developers, designed code principles and conventions to improve our efficiency, and collaborated actively with the product and design teams to find the best possible user experience.
Full time tech lead developer, app architect using modular Apollo Server, FaunaDB, Open Banking API, Rollup and TypeScript on backend. And Vue 3 composition API (modular architecture), TypeScript, Apollo Client as local management system, TailwindCSS, and Vite.
Project lead developer, code review, dedicated both on backend and frontend using Drupal Headless, GraphQL API. Frontend using NuxtJS with Vuex, i18n for internationalization, TailwindCSS, static generated configuration (JAMStack) and my own open-source module nuxt-image-extractor.
Project lead developer, dedicated to backend using Drupal Headless exposing a GraphQL endpoint and DevOps tasks as CI/CD in cooperation with Bank's developer team. Collaborated on frontend with my team using React (Hooks, Styled components, Redux) and Apollo Client.
During this period I've been responsible for different tasks, such as responsive landing pages for brands like Acer, Consul or Nestle in parallel with art department, I've built a complete intranet with login and notifications, or APIs and database administration tasks. I did many job interviews with candidates to grow our team, among other team management tasks.
Live deploy
Stack: Vue 3 - Vite - TypeScript - TailwindCSS - Jest
Live deploy
Stack: Nuxt - TailwindCSS - Jest
Live deploy
Stack: Vue 2.6 - TypeScript - TailwindCSS - Jest
You can inspect the source code, of this page, it was made using Astro, Vue, TailwindCSS and i18n.
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